
This is a starter theme for Quire, a multiformat digital publishing framework. Quire can be used to generate a web book, EPUB and MOBI e-books, and a PDF optimized for print; all from a single set of text files.

This starter theme allows for the quick customization of a few key styles to make you publication project your own.

  • Modern and Classic type styles
  • Cover and splash page images
  • Accent color
  • Background colors
  • Navigation bar style

By diving further into the included style sheets and layout templates, there’s almost no limit to what can be done.

The text excerpts included in this starter theme come from Walker Evans: Catalogue of the Collection by Judith Keller (Getty Publications, 1995) available for free download in the Getty’s Virtual Library; In Focus: Dorothea Lange (Getty Publications, 2002); and from the J. Paul Getty Museum online collection records.

The images included come from the J. Paul Getty Museum online collection records under their Open Content Program. The pictures of Dorothea Lange and Walker Evans used in the Introduction, come from the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division.

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